Monday, October 1, 2012

Testing Alternatives

I have to say, I hate Moodle. I know its popular and tons of schools use it as a platform, but try as I may, I just can't get a handle on it. And as it turns out, I'm not the only one!

The school where I work utilizes Moodle for many of its Middle and High school classes. They would like to have upper Elementary teachers also using the same platform for online class materials. However, Moodle can be a bit difficult to learn, its not very user friendly and its appearance leaves students wanting a bit more. So, this week, our ICT coordinator asked myself and a few other teachers to preview some new websites as potential replacements for Moodle. And I am so excited!

We are looking at: and

Both of these sites are based on a Facebook style of social networking. I have just signed up for the two of them so that I can decide which one I will use with students this coming quarter. Simply signing up, I'm already excited. These sites are both easy to navigate and look very engaging. Only one of my fifth grade students this year has a Facebook account but it is a website that they are all familiar with and anxious to eventually be able to use. I'm sure that these websites familiar look will encourage students to use and interact with it.

I really want to use the internet for as much school work as is manageable. I currently have a class blog that is available to students and parents as a means of keeping everyone up to date on what is going on in our room. I'm looking forward to one of these new sites helping me to provide students with easier access to content and assignments and a smoother means for students to collaborate.

Now, I just have to choose!

1 comment:

  1. Aubrey - Thank you for some great alternatives. I wish the schools in Great Falls would look more closely at these options. My kids have been using moodle for several years and they still hate it. They are relatively tech saavy but get frustrated with the application, drives, and interface. I thought it was just us.
